The finding of this research explained in details the teaching and teachers' assessment before being performed. The data were collected through in-depth interview sessions and analysis of relevant documents. This research is conducted using qualitative method by involving 3 participants. For Arabic language subject, students will be assessed based on language skills which are Listening and Speaking skills, Reading skill and Writing skill. This is important to ensure that the students are able to follow the learning process well and the objective of teaching can be achieved. In this level, teachers need to identify clearly students' needs before planning the teaching and assessment to be conducted in classroom. In order to organise Classroom Assessment, teachers need to plan their content of teaching and assessment before Teaching and Learning process been performed. In this research, the researcher wants to explore the method used by Arabic teachers in conducting Classroom Assessment based on the needs of the students' learning. In Malaysia's current curriculum, the abolishment of examination for level 1 which involve standard 1 until standard 3 had given the priority to Classroom Assessment in reporting students' learning development. This is important because the level of students' proficiency recorded portraying the actual students' potential. This process requires teachers to have a good understanding in curriculum, pedagogy and assessment in order to plan an appropriate teaching and assessment based on the needs of the students in the classroom. Classroom assessment is one of the process in Teaching and Learning.